Leonardo, the iconic Brazilian sertanejo singer, recently sparked a frenzy on social media after a humorous exchange with his wife, Poliana Rocha. Known for her engaging and lighthearted content online, Poliana often shares glimpses of her life with Leonardo. However, what started as a casual video quickly turned into a viral sensation when Leonardo made unexpected remarks about their son, Zé Felipe.
In the now-popular video, Poliana was recording a playful moment with Leonardo. But in true Leonardo fashion, he didn’t hold back his witty humor. The singer pointed out, with his characteristic charm, that Poliana tends to get distracted during conversations. “You and Zé Felipe have the same problem,” he joked. “It’s like talking to a post.”
Poliana, caught off guard, laughed at the comment and played along. Leonardo didn’t stop there, describing them both as “butterflies, flying wherever the wind takes them.” The lighthearted jab about their “family trait” left viewers in stitches, showcasing the family’s unique dynamic.
The clip quickly went viral, amassing countless comments from fans who related to the humorous situation. “My family is exactly the same! Leonardo, we’re with you,” one fan wrote. Another added, “Talking to my husband feels like I’m talking to myself too!”
While Zé Felipe has yet to respond, fans know he won’t take the comments personally. The Costa Rocha family is loved for their ability to turn everyday moments into entertaining content. Their playful banter reminds us all of the importance of humor and love in family life.
Stay tuned for more hilarious moments from this dynamic family!
Poliana Rocha confessa sofrimento de Leonardo por Zé Felipe: ‘Chorava’ … – Leia mais em
Zé Felipe, Leonardo e Poliana Rocha; influenciadora confessou sofrimento do marido por filho …
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